We accompany our clients in the design of innovative products and services that improve people's lives.
• Developing leaders to innovate
• Transforming culture towards Innovation
• Building innovation teams
• Designing new business models
• Defining pilot projects
• Accelerating innovative ventures
• Systematizing innovation
• Evaluating innovation
• Discovering Opportunities
• Designing new innovative products and services
• Co-creating and validating with a diversity of actors
• Design Thinking
• Visual Thinking
• Lateral / Parallel Thinking
• Radiant Thinking
• Customer Experience

How can we help you?
Tell us what your challenge is, what opportunities you need to develop.
ICD is a strategic consulting firm specialized in innovation, which works in the development of transformative projects, under a customer focus. We accompany organizations that face the challenges of promoting change management and innovation, transforming ideas and projects into reality.
We are passionate about challenges
We discover opportunities with your clients and design innovative, viable solutions for your organization.
ICD is a strategic consulting firm specialized in innovation, which works in the development of transformative projects, under a customer focus. We accompany organizations that face the challenges of promoting change management and innovation, transforming ideas and projects into reality.
Our progress guide is supported by the following pillars:

We tackle strategic challenges as a team with our client.

we identify Value Insights

We imagine what doesn't exist and build it to add value to the real world.

We accompany in the process of development of innovation and change management within the organization.
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Desarrollando una Cultura de Innovación
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Los equipos de innovación dentro de las organizaciones
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